Monday, August 13, 2012

Best Value Home Improvement-Judge the Book by Its Cover

There are so many choices in homes, it's easy to understand why prospective buyers are reported to make a decision within 10 seconds of whether they will even go into a home with the intent to purchase.

That 10 seconds is critical. Think of where a prospective buyer spends those moments--pulling into the driveway, approaching the door, waiting at the door, and just inside the entry. What do they see? yard, exterior maintenance, and general condition of home upon entering.

Now, take the test yourself! Hit the play button to see how the pictured home was transformed. Where would you be eager to go? Which home would entice you to come inside? Which home would leave you with the best impression when you were leaving?

I've seen the projection for return on landscaping as an investment range from 97% to 200%. The variables seem to be: what was it when it started? how large/mature are the plantings, and the sophistication of the design. The landscape needs to be in proportion and in keeping with the home size and style.

Please check out my vendor partner, Max Cohen Landscape Design, for more information and ideas.

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