Monday, April 9, 2012

Let My Team Help You!

I work with an amazing team to help home owners prepare their properties for sale. After I meet with you and outline a marketing strategy for your property, it's time for an action plan!

We start by bringing in a professional stager, Debbe Daley is fantastic! She'll thoughtfully advise you how to best prepare your home to appeal to the biggest audience of potential buyers as possible. Her thoughtful suggestions will help you to efficiently prepare your home for viewing. Debbe can offer simply furniture placement suggestions, full-staging as well as thoughts on paint colors.

Next, depending on your needs, you may want to work with the Lifecycle team to de-clutter, organize, repair within your home. Just having the help clean out and liquidate belongings can keep your preparations as stress-free as possible. Jason Suderman and his crew have a versatile skill set and are simply a delight to work with!

Once your property is ready to market, we'll engage the services of a professional photographer.  David Bragdon brings his love of science into his thoughtful approach to photographing your home. With close to 90% of home searches starting online, it is essential to present your home with outstanding photographs. David's photographs will be used on websites, virtual tours, and promotional flyers.

Perhaps your home's curb appeal could use some sprucing up. Max Cohen can help you! Max's spectacular designs are award winning and vary from residential to public spaces.

See more on my team and their websites at:

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